Monday, December 12, 2011

Weekend Recap

Well another weekend came and went and its Monday morning and still no baby! I am trying to stay positive but my patience is wearing thin. It seems everyday is up in the air just in case, but then nothing happens. Oh well, we had a good weekend anyways. My mom has been here for a full week now. We have enjoyed having her SO much especially the kiddos! We don't get to see Mimi often or for extended periods of time so this is a blessing. The baby doesn't know what he is missing out on, ha!

Friday we took it easy most of the day. I worked on cleaning up around the house that morning and catching up on some laundry. My nesting instinct is still there and I fear I won't be on top of things when D day finally arrives. It was finally a sunny day, but still quite cool. Brandon went outside to piddle in the garage and we bundled up the kids and let them play outside as well. Mimi took them for a walk in their wagon and they enjoyed getting to run out some of their energy. Brandon went to McDonald's to pick up lunch for us. Then it was time for Henry's nap. Mom and I decided to roam a bit in town.. we both needed to go to Target. P stayed at home with Brandon so it was nice to spend some time with just my mom. I finished my Christmas shopping for Brandon by picking up the stuff I wanted to put in his stocking. We also went into TJ Maxx and that place was a zoo. The closer it gets to Christmas, the more busy places are going to get. Thank goodness I am done! Back at home, we found Brandon and P doing some arts & crafts. She made some pretty pictures. For dinner that night we made homemade pizza biscuits and watched Frosty the Snowman & Frosty Returns on TV.

Saturday morning we got up and started getting ready for the day. We had our company Christmas party to attend at 11 that morning. We had a good time.. the kids enjoyed themselves and there were lots of activities for them. I already posted about Henry's experience with Santa and that was a nice surprise! All in all, it was a good event and everyone seemed to enjoy it! We headed back to the house around 1 and Henry laid down for his nap. We watched the Army v. Navy football game. I also rested some. P and Mimi played :) We went out to eat for dinner at a local Mexican restaurant, El Bracero. It was yummy and both kids ate well. On the way back home, we drove through a few neighborhoods to look at their Christmas lights. This is one of our favorite traditions and Brandon & I have been doing this since before we even had kids. But P and Henry both really enjoy it as well. By the time we got home it was time to get ready for bed and go downstairs and watch Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer on TV. We love watching all the Christmas specials!

Sunday morning was quite around the house. We eventually got ready for the day and decided to head downtown Clarksville for some lunch and to take the kids to the museum. We ate a very yummy lunch at the Blackhorse. That place never disappoints! Then it was time to go to the museum. I know I've raved about it before but its really a fantastic place and worth every penny of our $30 annual membership. My mom had never been before and was quite impressed with it and had a good time playing with the kids in the various activities. Henry of course loved the trains! P always has a good time playing in the pretend grocery store. We stayed for over an hour. Henry didn't fall asleep on the way home but I laid him down for about an hour when we got back to the house. Brandon and I took Murray for a long walk around the neighborhood. I fixed dinner that night and all ate well. My mom and I gave the kids their baths and we played upstairs some.

It was a good weekend! Too bad baby didn't want to come out! Hopefully it will be sometime soon :/ This is going to be LONG week and I have another doctor's appointment on Thursday morning I am hoping to be able to skip since baby will already be here (but I won't hold my breath). Not sure what his lateness is showing about his personality, ha! All I can say is stay tuned.. just never know!

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