Thursday, December 8, 2011

38 weeks 4 days

So I was hoping I would not have to write this post, but alas there is still no baby and I had to go to my doctor's appointment this morning. Since my appointment last week, I have been showing more signs of impending labor including a few nights of hours of contractions. However, a week later there is no news to report. My OB checkup was rather disappointing. I've had no progression... my cervix has thinned out a little more but still stuck at 3 centimeters dilated. Its becoming very frustrating for me. I have never experienced so much obvious false labor with either P or Henry. I am one week and three days away from my due date and becoming increasingly over this! Contractions on and off during the day and night are getting old especially when they aren't regulating towards D day. A good night's sleep is also a rarity. I have crazy, weird dreams and then the contractions start up or the lower back pain. I know I should just be thankful that I am having a healthy pregnancy and I am blessed but just growing tired. I am not a patient person and this is definitely testing that area. I even feel more aggravated now that my mom is here and Brandon is on paternity leave... we are just waiting around. I'm also starting to fear the unknown... I've never carried past 38 weeks and I will be 39 weeks on Sunday. Both P and H were born during their 38th week and look at how big they still were! I have my last OB check up next Thursday and I seriously hope I do not make it to that one... but that's what I said about this one so who knows. I just need to stay positive and know he will come when's he ready and there really is nothing I can do about it. Now we wait... and wait and wait and wait, ha! :)

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