Thursday, April 4, 2013

Our Spring Break in Pictures

Spring Break 2013

We all had a great spring break this year! I know P enjoyed the time off from school :) Papa had the week of spring break off as well so he drove to SC from Wisconsin and stopped by our house to spend the night and took P and Henry on to SC with him. They left early Saturday morning so that gave us a few days with just one kiddo. Saturday afternoon the Battalion hosted an Easter egg hunt. Scott had fun at that. Sunday we had a lazy day. On Monday, Brandon had to work a half day and Scott had his 15 month check up. After work, Brandon took Gizmo to the vet so she could be boarded while we were gone. Tuesday morning, we woke up bright & early and headed south to SC. It was a mostly quiet ride down although Scott had a few mini meltdowns. He is the best traveler and does not like spending lengths of time in his car seat. We arrived safely at my parents' house around dinner time. Wednesday morning we got up and all got ready and headed out to our friends' house so Celeste and I could take the kiddos up to Columbia to their children's museum. We got there around 11 and explored some before lunch time. It is a huge place with lots of little areas. It was quite a chore keeping up with all five kids. Celeste and I split up and she kept up with the girls while I kept up with Scott and Henry. All five of them had lots of fun. We stayed almost 5 hours and still could have spent more time there. We ate lunch at their little cafe and that was pretty good. We hit up the gift shop before making our way back home. I think 3 out of the 5 kids slept the whole trip home. That night my dad cooked dinner and we all celebrated my Mamaw's birthday. After the kids went to bed, Brandon and I went and saw the movie Oz. It was good but it was after midnight before we made it home. Thursday Brandon and I took the kids to lunch and to a local park. We all took a break during Scott's nap time. That night P went to dinner with my mom & dad then over to Celeste's house to have a sleepover with Alden and Bailee Grace. They had a fun time and stayed up late! Brandon and I took Scott and Henry to dinner then to get Henry's haircut and then to Target. Friday we went over to Celeste & Dustin's house where we loaded up all the kids and headed to Chick Fil A for lunch then to Wannamaker Park for some outdoor time. We stayed there a little over an hour then the boys took the kids and Celeste & I went to the Outlets to do some shopping. I picked up a new pair of shoes for both P and Scott. We spent the evening hanging out with them as well. We are so blessed to have such great friends!!! Saturday was the Doggette family Easter get together. The kids had an egg hunt and there was lots of yummy food. It was a good visit and we loved getting to see everyone. That afternoon while Scott napped my mom, P and I did some shopping before meeting Brandon & the boys for dinner. The rest of the evening was spent packing up everything. Sunday morning we woke up early and headed back home to TN. We switched up the drive and took I24 up to the 40 and then to I24. Its actually less miles and definitely a more scenic route. We were back home by 4. We worked hard to get everything unloaded and put away before venturing off to find dinner and pick up a few groceries. All in all, it was a great week!! We love visiting SC as much as we can and enjoy the time with our family and friends!!

Scott turned 15 months!

Holy cow is time going by fast! This second year of Scott's life seems to be going faster than his first year. I can now say we have a walker on our hands :) He finally figured it out and has been walking for over a week now. He will still crawl from time to time as I think he finds it easier than walking especially if he is trying to get some where in a hurry. He looks like such a big boy now! He is also started babbling a whole lot more and trying to talk. Its so cute! He is still my best eater and continues to love all foods! He is cutting some more teeth. It seems his incisors are coming it .. all 4 of them which doesn't always make for a happy baby :/ He is still sleeping 12 hours at night and taking about a 2 hour nap after lunch. We are ready for spring weather to stick around because he loves to be outside as much as his brother. He loves playing in his Little Tikes Cozy Coupe and trying to ride the big wheels bike. I can't wait to see him this summer at the pool, splash pad and water park. He loves bath time and is like a little fish in the tub. He is wearing size 4 diapers, 18/24 months pants and tops. He wears a size 4.5 shoes. He had his check up on the 25th of March and he weighs 26.4 pounds and is up to 31 inches in length. Always thankful to have such a thriving, healthy, little boy!!