Friday, December 9, 2011

A Few of My Favorite Things: For Me

This next post in the series of a few of my favorite things is all about MY Christmas wish list. I can be very picky as well as hard to buy for. I do not have a lot of my list this year. I feel more than blessed with having my husband home this for the Holidays as well as expecting our third child right before Christmas. Plus, Brandon and I are the type of people who if we want or need something and we have the money we typically go ahead and buy it then. Also, clothes are out of the picture on gifts to get me this year since I will still more than likely be wearing maternity clothes for a few more weeks after giving birth and by the time I am feeling like getting new clothes it will be spring time or close to it. So here are a few things on my list...

Vera Bradley E Reader Sleeve

I love my Kindle and read from it daily. I received the Kindle leather case with light last year for Christmas when I received my Kindle. However, I think this is a fun, bright case to keep it in for travel or times when having the built in light isn't necessary.

Kindle Gift Card

I would love to have one of these as well... in any amount too. I love reading from my Kindle and get so use to it that its different reading from "real" books. Plus, most of the e Books are cheaper than the actual book by usually 50%. Some older and less popular books can be found for around $5. This is a great gift for me because I can upload the card to my amazon account and not feel so guilty about the books I purchase :)

Mommy Necklace

I have wanted one of these for a long time even more so now that I am about to be a mommy of 3. This one in particular is from The Vintage Pearl. I love how simple yet elegant it is. I love that its available in gold and with a pearl (my favorite gem to wear). Maybe if not for Christmas, it would make a great Mother's Day present ;)

A Peacoat

This is a mix of a need/want. I haven't had a peacoat in a few years because my old one had gotten way too small (had it since before P) and the other one I own is a bit more dressy and only 3/4 length sleeves. I love this one from Old Navy. I wear a lot of brown and the colors of the jacket are also light and bright so it can worn into spring if need be as well.

Electronic Yahtzee Flash

This is just for fun. I think it would be a blast to play and a shake up on the old classic which I am an absolute fan of (even have the app on my iPhone). Its always fun to get something like this on Christmas morning and then break it out later on the day when we all need something to do.

Nikon 1 J1 Camera

I am in love with this camera. We are fans of Nikon and have had our old one for a few years now. It takes great pictures but this new one is superb! It has the power of a huge Nikon in compact form. It contains one of the fastest auto focuses out there. And it has an interchangeable lens system. This is not a cheap item on my wish list and its really just a want for now as it sells from around $650 and up. Maybe if Santa thought I was really good this year there might be a chance :)

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