Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Little fishes!!

Scott asleep in his stroller. 

Sprinkler time :)

It's summertime here in TN :)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

Monday: Bag Meal & Garlic Bread
Tuesday: Breakfast
Wednesday: Ravioli & Marinara Sauce
Thursday: Meatball Hoagies with french fries
Friday: Little Cesar's Pizza (family movie night)
Saturday: Out of Eat
Sunday: Smoked Sausage Dogs

Scott Update

Scott turned 6 months this past Friday and this morning he had his 6 month check up. He is growing and developing so well!!! We could not ask for more than a healthy, thriving little boy!!! I am thankful the CDC on Post has an Hourly care building that I can take P and Henry to for Scott's doctor's appointment. I never know how crazy that office is going to be and I like being able to focus on Scott and the appointment at hand. We lucked out today and didn't spend all morning up at the PEDS office :) Scott did so well! He is really a laid back, content little guy. He just goes with the flow and I am very grateful for that. Dr. Hines was pleased to see him and she says he is developing right on track! I always feel like our appointments are so short but the third time around I know what to expect, I know the milestones, and I just don't have many questions or concerns. She was a little concerned with his stuffiness and would not be surprised if he is developing allergies. We will revisit the notion of Zyrtec or Claritin to help curb his allergies at his next well check up. Since Henry is on allergy meds and has been since he turned 1 I would not be surprised if the same holds true for Scott. He did have to get two shots as well as drink the Rotateq which is for the rotavirus. He was such a trooper and only cried a little with his shots. Here are his stats...

Head Circumference: 44 centimeters and in the 55%
Length: 28 1/4 inches and in the 95%
Weight: 19 pounds and in the 75%

He is on the same growth curve since he was born. And looks like he is following in the footsteps of Henry and will be a tall. Scott matches Henry dead on for the same stats and the same age. Henry was 19 pounds and 28 inches as well :) I think that is so neat. I think Scott looks most like P but he is definitely built like Henry. I am fearing that Scott will need another summer wardrobe before the weather starts cooling off. Some of his nine month clothing is just not going to make it especially his one all outfits. He is in 9 month clothing including sleepers. And he is in size 3 diapers. So far Pampers are our favorite and have had no issues with leaking even for BMs. He is doing so well with spoon feeding. He now gets two meals a day, breakfast and dinner. I give him about 3 scoops of oatmeal with a fruit in the am and then 3 scoops with a veggie in the pm. We have tried all of the stage 1 foods and are moving up to stage 2. Since he is getting two meals a day, he gets only 4 bottles of 8 ounces of formula a day. He likes this schedule and does well with it most days. The times vary but his typical schedule is 8 o'clock wake up and bottle then 10 am breakfast then 12 pm bottle and a 4 pm bottle then dinner between 6-7 and last bottle for day between 8-830 and then bed. He is great at nighttime as well. Most nights he is out by 9 and not up until between 7-8 (thankfully most mornings it is closer to 8). 

Looking forward to seeing how much more he grows and thrives over the next 3 months! We are just so thrilled that he is in our lives!!! Little scooter just melts my heart :) Love LOVE him!!!! 

Being a ham while we waited at the PEDS office. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Flashback Friday

Six months ago today this little guy entered our lives and our hearts!!
Can't believe my little scooter is already six months old, where has the time gone?!?
Happy half-birthday Francis Scott!!!!
We love you so so much!!!
You changed our family and our lives.. we are so blessed to have you!!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Weekend Recap

Another 4 day was on the agenda for this family this past weekend and we enjoyed every second of it!!! It was so nice to have a long weekend at home especially coming off of vacation time. Wednesday & Thursday seemed rough for me trying to get back in the groove of our normal schedule and wrangling all 3 kiddos on my own during the day. So I was more than happy to welcome the weekend!

Friday started off with me heading to the commissary. Our brand new commissary opened a few days ago and it was so nice to shop in such a nice, new, big store. I loved it! Its going to take a few more trips for me to get the new layout down. It was crowded but the size can now handle such crowds. I accomplished my mission and headed back home. We had chicken salad sandwiches for lunch then it was quiet time around here as the boys had their nap. That afternoon we took Henry to get his hair cut. Brandon takes him to a barber shop and Henry is a pro at it now. After that we headed over to Walmart to pick up a few things that I didn't purchase earlier as well as our new dvd for our family movie night. We selected Madagascar as none of us had seen it yet. The kids and Brandon fixed pizza biscuits for dinner and after we all got ready for bed we started the movie. It was real funny and cute! P couldn't stay up for the entire movie but Henry made it till the end.

Henry getting his haircut. Such a big boy!

Saturday morning we got up early and geared up for our neighborhood yard sale. Last time it was a success and we were hoping for the same this time around. We had some of the kids' old toys they no longer play with as well as some baby gear items and a few other miscellaneous things. It started off slow although there was plenty of foot traffic. Luckily by lunchtime, we had sold quite a bit and made a decent profit. By mid afternoon we had sold just about everything and made close to $200. Not to shabby if I do say so myself! Unfortunately, Henry woke up that morning not feeling too well at all. He had a fever on and off most of the day. I kept him pumped up with Motrin but he was still being lethargic as well as not eating much. After he took his nap, we ventured into town. We hit up Home Depot, Target and Lowe's before heading to Longhorn's Steakhouse for dinner. It was very good!
Scott sitting in a high chair at the restaurant (first time).
Sunday was Father's Day and we tried to celebrate as much as possible! Brandon cleaned up the cars that morning then grilled out chicken for lunch and I cooked baked macaroni & cheese and green beans to go with it. It was all yummy! Scott and Henry laid down for a nap while I worked on some laundry. After nap time, we headed to the mall to get Brandon's gift for Father's Day. He needed and wanted a new shop vac. We lucked out and they had the bigger size on sale. We then walked the rest of the mall before grabbing some dinner at Steak 'n Shake. We also stopped by Walmart before heading home and starting our nightly routine.
Hanging out in the stroller. 
At Sears.
Dinnertime for little scooter.

Yesterday Brandon and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. So blessed to be married to such an amazing man! A few days from now will mark 10 years since our first date. Can't believe we've already spent a decade together. I look forward to many more decades!!! :) And of course they way we celebrate our anniversary has changed over the course of years. We got ready yesterday morning, packed a picnic lunch and loaded up the car to head to the Tie Breaker Water Park in Hopkinsville, KY. Its only about a 30 minute trip and its well worth the drive. We love this place! On Mondays they have a 2 for 1 special so all five of us got into the park for only $14. It wasn't too bad crowd wise. The weather was perfect. It was hot but the water was refreshing and there was some cloud coverage and a nice breeze. The kids had lots of fun.. all 3 of them! Scott did so well today. He was a little fish. He did much better with the water. I think the warmer temp helped a lot. He would sit and kick his legs and splash his hands. We broke for lunch and to feed Scott. Then back at it for more fun! We stayed a couple of hours. It was a great family fun time!!! On the way home, we picked up some ice cream from Dairy Queen, yum :) We took it easy that afternoon and ventured out for some dinner at Pancho Ville. It was very good. We always like Mexican! This evening we gave the kiddos their baths and got them ready for bed. We then watched Americas Got Talent before the kids finally crashed around 8. It was a great day and a perfect ending to a fabulous 4 day!!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Menu Plan Monday

Monday: Eat out for our Anniversary
Tuesday: Tacos
Wednesday: frozen pizza (I have a function that night)
Thursday: Breakfast
Friday: Little Cesar's Pizza (family movie night)
Saturday: Hot Dogs
Sunday: Eat the The Blackhorse

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dad's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the dads!!!

Dads Rock!!! :)

I am beyond blessed to know several dads that are just plain awesome and amazing!!!
My dad is up there in the top! He was and still is a wonderful dad!! He loves me unconditionally and always has my back. Plus, he is an awesome Papa to my kiddos!! We all love him dearly!!! :)

And of course, the hubs is a fan favorite around here too! I am so thankful that my children have such an amazing man to be their dad. He works so hard to provide a great life for them. Brandon is such an example for Scott and Henry. The kids just love their daddy!!!

What Makes a Dad

God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so,
He called it ... Dad

Author Unknown.

Enjoy your day dads!!! You deserve it and so much more!!!! :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Flag Day

Happy Flag Day!!!

Proud and Honored to be available to fly the American flag at our home every day!!

I am the Flag
By: Howard Schnauber

I am the flag of the United States of America.
My name is Old Glory.
I fly atop the world's tallest buildings.
I stand watch in America's halls of justice.
I fly majestically over institutions of learning.
I stand guard with power in the world.
Look up ... and see me.

I stand for peace, honor, truth and justice.
I stand for freedom.
I am confident.
I am arrogant.
I am proud.

When I am flown with my fellow banners,
my head is a little higher,
my colors a little truer.

I bow to no one!
I am recognized all over the world.
I am worshipped -- I am saluted.
I am loved -- I am revered.
I am respected -- and I am feared.

I have fought in every battle of every war
for more then 200 years.
I was flown at Valley Forge,
Gettysburg, Shiloh and Appamatox.
I was there at San Juan Hill,
the trenches of France,
in the Argonne Forest,
Anzio, Rome, and the beaches of Normandy.
Guam, Okinawa, Korea and
KheSan, Saigon, Vietnam know me.
I was there.

I led my troops.
I was dirty, battleworn and tired,
but my soldiers cheered me
And I was proud.
I have been burned, torn and trampled
on the streets of countries I have helped set free.
It does not hurt, for I am invincible.

I have been soiled upon, burned, torn
and trampled on the streets of my country.
And when it's by those whom I've served in battle -- it hurts.
But I shall overcome -- for I am strong.

I have slipped the bonds of Earth
and stood watch over the uncharted frontiers of space
from my vantage point on the moon.
I have borne silent witness
to all of America's finest hours.
But my finest hours are yet to come.

When I am torn into strips and used as bandages
for my wounded comrades on the battlefield,
When I am flown at half-mast to honor my soldier,
Or when I lie in the trembling arms of a grieving parent
at the grave of their fallen son or daughter,
I am proud.

My name is 'Old Glory'!
Long may I wave
o'er the land of the free
and the home of the brave.

A Milestone

Guess who got his first tooth?!?!

This little cutie :)

We had noticed he had been in the "teething" phase for awhile but no buds or teeth. Finally, the other day I had my fingers in his mouth and noticed a tip of a tooth on his bottom gum. It still hasn't broken through all the way yet but he officially has his first tooth!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Weekend in SC

Last Thursday we loaded up in the car and headed down to SC for a long weekend. We slept in a little too much that morning and made a mad dash out the door. We still ended up making the drive in record time despite traffic. Of course we only stopped for lunch and two other quick potty breaks. Needless to say it was a long day in the car and we were glad to get to Mimi & Papa's and get out of the car. Thankfully though the trip was uneventful and all 3 kids did pretty well. One nice advantage of a van is the space and seating arrangements. For the trip, we put Henry in the very backseat with P so that the captain's chair by Scott was open which came in handy for me to get back to and still allow Brandon to keep driving. We were in no mood to get back in the car in search of dinner that night so Brandon went and picked up Subway for all of us and the kids got to get their energy out and played out front with Mimi. We were all ready for bed that night. Unfortunately Scott did not sleep well and Brandon & I took turns dealing with him. He finally had a good stretch of a couple of hours in the bed with us (go figure!).

Friday morning we got ready for the day and headed over to Granny & Grandaddy's house for a visit. We were happy to see them and they enjoyed getting to spend some time with us and the munchkins. They took us out to lunch at a local BBQ place. It was yummy!!! We miss that kind of southern cooking and Brandon & I both ate too much, ha! That afternoon Brandon stayed at the house with the boys while P, my mom and I did some shopping in town. Then we all met my brother and sister in law for dinner. Thankfully that night Scott did much better sleeping even if it meant he slept in his bouncer the majority of the time :/

Saturday we had already had on the calendar a Doggette family get together at my sister in law's house. The theme was a pool party. It was so nice to get to see everyone and for all the little kids to get to play together. The water was a little cool but both P and Henry had lots of fun and were little fishes. Scott spent most of the day being passed around or relaxing in his bouncer. We had a great time! That afternoon/evening we went out with our friends Dustin & Celeste. We headed to downtown Charleston and had a delicious dinner at Bocci's then walked around the Battery as well as some of the shops before having dessert at Kaminsky's. It was such a nice time and we were so glad to spend some time with them! P also had a special night that night as my brother and sister in law took her to a Charleston Riverdogs baseball game. She had so much fun! She even got a mermaid painted on her face :) She shocked us when she got home later than we did, ha! :)

Sunday morning we got ready and headed to church. We went to Brookhaven Fellowship. Our friend is the pastor there and we just love the little church. P and Henry didn't even blink when I dropped them off at the nursery. After church we went to a local Mexican place for lunch. The whole Peal clan joined us and it was a good time. The rest of the day was quite uneventful as all it did that afternoon & evening was rain. However, that night my dad cooked dinner for us and my brother, sister in law, and grandmother came over. We enjoyed the good food and company! That evening Brandon & I slipped out after bath time and went on a little date. We did some roaming in town and had dessert at Starbuck's. Nothing grand but it was nice just for it to be the two of us for a few hours!

Monday was our final day in SC. I did some laundry that morning and packed up. My mom had to work but luckily my dad was still in town. He took P and Henry on some errands that he had to run then to lunch at Chick Fil A. They enjoyed the "Papa time" very much! Brandon and I took Scott with us and went to lunch. After Henry took a nap that afternoon we headed to our friends Dustin & Celeste's house so the kids could all play together and we could just hang out. We had fun and were glad we got to spend some more time with them. The weather that day was no better and it rained all afternoon which kept us at their house for dinner. Brandon and Dustin went and picked up Chinese take out for the adults and the kiddos had a pizza. After dinner we headed back to Mimi & Papa's house to finish getting our stuff ready as well as get the kids ready for bed. It was an early night for all of us as we had a very early wake up the next day.

Tuesday morning came bright and early as the alarm went off at 5 which was technically 4 am for us since we'd be going back to Central Time zone that afternoon. We got loaded up and hit the road. We had no problems on the drive and made fantastic time. We were back at our house by 330. It gave us plenty of time to accomplish all of our chores that needed to be done around the house. Brandon got the van all unloaded for me as well as cleaned out and tackled mowing the front yard. I was able to get everything unpacked and put away as well as complete a few loads of laundry. Brandon went and picked up Little Cesar's pizza for dinner. We then did our normal nightly routine with a walk around the neighborhood as well as bath time. All 3 kids were exhausted and were fast asleep by 8.

All in all we had a wonderful visit and enjoyed all the family & friends time we were able to soak up while there!!!! :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Birthday Blessings

This about sums it up!!! 

I had an awesome birthday yesterday!

I am blessed beyond measure.

I have a great husband.

I have 3 adorable kiddos.

I have an amazing family.

I have fantastic friends. 

What more could a girl ask for in life?!?!

I feel like we have been celebrating all week long. It has been so nice having my aunt & uncle up here in TN visiting us. We have enjoyed some great quality time together and have done lots of fun things. Sunday we went downtown Clarksville and roamed around there and had a yummy lunch at the Blackhorse Pub & Brewery. We also went to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner that night. Then Monday we headed down to Nashville and spent the day at the Opry Mills Mall. We accomplished lots of shopping and had a fun time hanging out together. We enjoyed a nice lunch at the Aquarium Restaurant. That evening I cooked dinner for everywhere. Tuesday morning we all hung out around the house then off to Old Chicago's for another delicious meal. We also ventured around Target and Hobby Lobby. Today we are planning on taking them onto Post and giving them a tour of Fort Campbell. We have loved having them here!!!

Brandon and I were quite appreciative of them watching the munchkins last night so we could have a date night out. It was wonderful!!! We had a sushi dinner at Fujiyama then went to the movies and saw Snow White and the Huntsman. It was a very good movie!! Brandon totally shocked and surprised me with giving me the new iPhone 4S for my birthday. I love it! And am so thankful to have such a thoughtful husband. He is the best :)

And tomorrow we are heading down to SC for a long weekend!!! Can't wait to get down there and see everyone!!! We have lots of good activities already scheduled while we are there. I am so glad Brandon is on leave and we are getting to soak up some family time. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Weekend Randoms

  • Can't believe we are already in the month of June. How is it that this year is almost half way over?!?! Crazy to think that in about 6 months we will be celebrating Scott's first birthday as well as Christmas. I don't want to even imagine how insane Christmas with three kids will be, ha!
  • Scott has moved up size 3 diapers. We still have some size 2 that we are using during the day until they are all gone. But definitely using the size 3 at nighttime. He is also officially in 6-9 month clothing. Nothing of his 3-6 month wardrobe no longer fits. He is following in his big brother's footsteps and is becoming quite the big boy :)
  • Our Friday night consisted of going to Target to buy new diapers as well as a few other things then to eat at Cracker Barrel and back home for family movie night. Oh how Friday nights have changed over the last years! 
  • Speaking of family movie night they are turning out to be huge successes. Henry can't always stay up for the entire length of the film but both kids enjoy getting to watch new movies and eat some yummy candy. We usually trade off the weeks between renting a movie and buying a new dvd. So far we've seen Ringo, Disney's The Lady and the Tramp, The Muppets Movie, Disney's Toy Story 2, The Smurfs, and Dr. Seuss' A Horton Hears A Who.
  • P got her haircut this afternoon. Looks much better! She had not gotten one since before our trip to Disney. We made an evening out of it... walked around the mall, grabbed dinner at Chick Fil A then ended at the bookstore. 
  • Excited to have my aunt and uncle visit with us for a few days starting tomorrow!! We rarely have visitors up this way so its nice when we do. Looking forward to spend some time with them and show them around Clarksville & Nashville. 
  • An added bonus to having my aunt here for my birthday is a date night with the hubs. Can't wait to go to dinner and see a movie :)
  • Less than one week we will be in SC visiting for the long weekend!! Wish we could stay longer but looking forward to spending the time we have with our friends and family :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday Favorites

Summer Edition

Since summer is now officially in full swing and today is the first day of June, I thought I would share some of my summertime favorites.

Step2 Sand & Water Fun Farm

Even though we just keep water in it, the kids have really enjoyed playing with this. Its especially nice on those hot afternoons! I pull out onto the driveway, fill it up and P & H go to town playing with it. Henry likes the tractor it came with. It will definitely get its use out this summer. 

A Sunscreen Stick

This thing is one of the best inventions for moms. I have bought this in the past in other brands and all are worth it. It is a product that is worth every penny of the $5 price tag, ha. We use it at the pool but its also great for the park. No mess, no fuss and it applies well. 

Jogging Stroller

The Jeep Liberty Sport X All Terrain is the one we own. But I think a jogging stroller of any brand is almost a must with a munchkin under the age of 1. I would just recommend that it actually have bicycle tires and not plastic ones so that it really can go anywhere and handle anything. We have a double jogging stroller that is more for urban terrain i.e. plastic tires. This one is great for Scott for our pool days, park days, walks, etc. Its just a nice stroller to have and though we've only owned it for a few months it has gotten a lot of use out of it. It keeps him out of the sun and in a comfortable seat for whatever outing we embark on. 

Thirty-One Large Utility Tote

I love this bag. It has become our go to bag for our outdoor outings. Its perfect for the pool and the water park. It holds all our beach towels and more. I  like to use it for the park as well especially if we are having a picnic lunch because it can hold our supplies. Plus, its easy to wipe down if it gets dirty. A summer must have!