Sunday, September 18, 2011


Well in case you were wondering... its only 98 days till Christmas!!! That seems like such a big number but it also is not that far around the corner. How did this year go by so fast?!? All I can say is thankfully I have been more on the ball this year with preparations for Christmas.. some of that is because baby boy will be here before Christmas (just shy of seven days before Christmas if he arrives on his due date) and there is just no way I need to be fretting about last minute shopping with a newborn in the picture and also some of the reasoning is this Christmas Brandon is home and we want to enjoy/savor/take in all that this season is about and has to offer.

So if there's only 98 till Christmas, then that means we are less than 90 days away from meeting the littlest addition to our family!!! Less than 12 weeks to go!!! I can't believe this pregnancy is two-thirds over with :/ We are ready to meet the little guy (I think, ha!). I know these next three months are going to zoom by and my due date will keep getting closer and closer! I am very excited and anxious to reach the finish line with a healthy, baby boy as the prize :)

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