Sunday, September 13, 2009


Okay so here it goes...the first entry. There's so much pressure to write just the right thing! I thought this blog would be a good idea for myself to journalize all that is happening as well as keep our friends and family in the loop. It seems like our life gets hectic and we don't always have the time to share all that is happening with everyone. Sometimes there is not so much in our life and other times too much to remember it all before its already happened and over with.

We are settling in to our new adobe in Clarksville, TN. Our apartment is spacious enough and having a playground right across the street from us is ideal for Peighton. We've already broken the place in by getting a dog. He is a wonderful companion to our family even if he does require numerous daily walkings...he is still loved :) Brandon spent one week in processing at Fort Campbell and another week in processing with his unit 3rd Brigade Headquarters. Now he is off at Fort Polk, LA for JRTC which is a training center to prepare the unit for deployment. I think he is getting a good look ahead at what is in store for him in Afghanistan...long days and not so gourmet food! I am positive he is getting a good handle on things and will feel prepared on what all his job entails when he returns. Peighton and I are sure ready for him to be seems like just last month we was gone...oh wait he was...ahh the joys of the ARMY life!!

With the hubby/daddy away, Peighton and I are getting lots of bonding time...somedays I think we get too much :) I enjoy being able to stay home with her and see how much she learns in just a matter of days! I try to keep our days filled with something interesting...a trip to the library, art projects, lunch at Chick-fil-A, etc....whatever helps the days go by faster and keeps her entertained and happy. I hope I can get her involved in some activities here soon...she really loved the Little Gym when we were in Summerville and I would love to get her back into that. There's lots of activities on post but its based on first come, first serve...and Fort Campbell is a huge post. Hopefully before too long, we will have something in the works!! I also hope to get back into my once loved activities of PWOC and MOPS...time is awasting :)

Our week ahead is a full one so that will help another week go by!! Brandon is due home around the first week of October... and hopefully the cold weather will be here by then and we can enjoy all that Fall has to offer!! I can't wait to see what Peighton decides to be for Halloween :)

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