Friday, September 25, 2009

Peighton's First Day of Preschool

I am pleased to say that it went wonderful!! I was a little nervous about her first day especially since she woke up at 7 am that morning and I knew she wouldn't get to take a nap...I was afraid of a meltdown. Luckily for us, our drive to the preschool on post is about 20-25 minutes and she fell asleep a few minutes after we got in the car and slept until we pulled into the parking lot. So Peighton got her power nap in and she was excited to be at school. She is in the toddler program which has three teachers and about 15 kids maximum. When she turns 3 in January, she will transition into the other side which is the more preschool design for 3-5 years old. I was pleased that her classroom didn't have too many children and with 3 teachers there is plenty of supervision/attention to go around!

Peighton was ready to go into her classroom when it was time!! She has her very own cubby to store her belongings :) All of her teachers were very nice to her and welcomed her to the class. They have different stations set up for the kids to go when they first come in the class. Peighton picked the puzzle table...she sat down and began her puzzle. I told her goobye and gave her a hug and told her I would be back soon. She was a little whiney... but no crying and after a few minutes she was over it... I think some of the anxiety came because two other children were having a hard time and Peighton was just a little nervous. So I left her and checked on her in the window for a few minutes and she was just fine... finishing up her puzzle. She is SUCH a big girl and I was so proud of her!!

Three hours is a LONG time or so it seemed... I was a bit lost of what to do without Peighton in tow. Then I kept thinking I wonder how she is doing?!? When I walked into her class to pick her up... she came running towards me... MOMMY she said!! She looked happy so I could tell she had a good time and was just fine. Her teachers said she did problems and that she had fun! Peighton told me some of what she did in her own words...she got to paint which she loved and she had a picture to bring home. She had ritz crackers and cheese and milk for a snack... and they played outside too. She seemed excited about it and when i asked her if she wanted to go back ... she said yes. So it was a very sucessful first day!!

A funny story... yesterday morning when we were talking about school she asked if she was going to ride the bus school...haha... I told her mommy was going to take her and she said oh okay. I told her one day she'll get to take the bus to school... can't believe my baby is going to preschool... ah time flies :)

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