Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Peighton Update :)

I am pleased to say that she is still loving preschool... we went yesterday for our second day and she was very excited to be there!! In only took me a minute to say bye to her...she walked right in and had no problems. Its so cute... there is a routine and she already knows it and tells me what I need to do. The children have to wash their hands upon entering the classroom... there are two little sinks that are the perfect height!! She knows that her bookbag goes in her cubby which has her name and picture on it. Then she gets to pick a station to go to... yesterday she chose arts & crafts... they were making pumpkins. The only qualm so far is that she has lost her hair barrette for the past two times so from now on I am going to just leave them at home. I have to say she is the cutest kid in her class :) Peighton looked very cute yesterday... it was cool and windy so I dressed her accordingly especially since they go outside to play. She had on jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt that had cheerleaders on it and her pink converse shoes... too adorable! I am enjoying all the years I get to dress her without any backlash from her :) I look forward to picking out her outfit for tomorrow!! Now if I could just get her potty trained, we'd be set... haha :p

Friday, September 25, 2009

Peighton's First Day of Preschool

I am pleased to say that it went wonderful!! I was a little nervous about her first day especially since she woke up at 7 am that morning and I knew she wouldn't get to take a nap...I was afraid of a meltdown. Luckily for us, our drive to the preschool on post is about 20-25 minutes and she fell asleep a few minutes after we got in the car and slept until we pulled into the parking lot. So Peighton got her power nap in and she was excited to be at school. She is in the toddler program which has three teachers and about 15 kids maximum. When she turns 3 in January, she will transition into the other side which is the more preschool design for 3-5 years old. I was pleased that her classroom didn't have too many children and with 3 teachers there is plenty of supervision/attention to go around!

Peighton was ready to go into her classroom when it was time!! She has her very own cubby to store her belongings :) All of her teachers were very nice to her and welcomed her to the class. They have different stations set up for the kids to go when they first come in the class. Peighton picked the puzzle table...she sat down and began her puzzle. I told her goobye and gave her a hug and told her I would be back soon. She was a little whiney... but no crying and after a few minutes she was over it... I think some of the anxiety came because two other children were having a hard time and Peighton was just a little nervous. So I left her and checked on her in the window for a few minutes and she was just fine... finishing up her puzzle. She is SUCH a big girl and I was so proud of her!!

Three hours is a LONG time or so it seemed... I was a bit lost of what to do without Peighton in tow. Then I kept thinking I wonder how she is doing?!? When I walked into her class to pick her up... she came running towards me... MOMMY she said!! She looked happy so I could tell she had a good time and was just fine. Her teachers said she did problems and that she had fun! Peighton told me some of what she did in her own words...she got to paint which she loved and she had a picture to bring home. She had ritz crackers and cheese and milk for a snack... and they played outside too. She seemed excited about it and when i asked her if she wanted to go back ... she said yes. So it was a very sucessful first day!!

A funny story... yesterday morning when we were talking about school she asked if she was going to ride the bus school...haha... I told her mommy was going to take her and she said oh okay. I told her one day she'll get to take the bus to school... can't believe my baby is going to preschool... ah time flies :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

the Latest...

Its been awhile since my last blog...not too much has been happening...its been quiet and fairly routine!! We are anxiously awaiting for Brandon to come home...can't wait till the 3rd of October. It was too funny the other day Peighton was talking to Brandon on the phone and told him he needed to come home so she could see him...and that he worked too much. I agree!! This week has been especially hard for us with him not being allowed to use his phone...they are suppose to be in "real war" training. So we've been a bit lost without getting our daily phone calls. I know he is exhausted but I think he is well prepared and knows what to expect come January when deployment time comes. Hopefully, he will get a bit of a break when he gets home...we would sure like to have him around the house :)

Peighton has been testing me again...ahh the life of a 2 1/2 year old! Some of her behavior is due to daddy being gone again...its rough on the her and i when its just the two of us day in and day out. However, some of her behaviorisms are due to lack of a nap the past two days...we have been busy on post with lots of errands and appointments!! I am happy to say that Peighton will be starting preschool come Thursday!! YAY :) I have been looking forward to this...I know she will benefit greatly from this experience and I know she is looking forward to it as well. It will be nice for her to have that environment and social interaction with other adults and children. I am very excited to see how she excels and what all she has to say everyday when I pick her up. Peighton will be going on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-4. They have a morning program as well but it was filled up which sort of lucked out for us...I think 1-4 is a better time frame for us. We get up early but it takes a lot to get us all out the door!! I think I will enjoy the time "off" will be a good break for us and a chance for me to miss her :)

Pete (our dog) has recovered very well from his surgeries!! He is back to his old grandpa self :) He has been quite a good companion for us...especially these past weeks with Brandon being gone. Its funny to think how much a pet makes a difference in our families. He definently makes my day more challenging...all the daily walks he requires (another con about not having our own yard but he keeps me in shape) and not being able just to leave the house without making sure he is set for the duration we will be gone. Whoo! Come to think of it...Pete is just another kid but its worth it having him around after Peighton has gone to bed...I don't feel quite by myself!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Doggie Update :)

Well, it's quiet around here today...Pete (our dog) had to go the vet this morning to get "fixed." He had to be there between 730-8 so it was an early morning for us. Of course, since we got him from the shelter, you are not given a whole lot of information about him. But apparently, he has some major dental problems that needed to be taken care of and since he will already be put under for his surgery this would be the best time to do it. Pete apparently was not taken very good care of...he had a mass on the top of his mouth and some of his teeth are rotten and will need to be pulled. So my hundred dollar vet bill is turning into two hundred and fifty dollars! What are you going to do though...say don't worry about it and let his mouth rot away so he has no teeth left! Pete is apart of our family now...i can't let his health just deteriorate. The doctor also thinks he has to be older than just 3 due to tartar build up on his teeth and the shape of his teeth....which i can agree with it...because he is a mild dog who likes his sleep and has no interest in playing. He has to stay over I'll be picking him up tomorrow. They are going to call me after his surgeries are done to let me know how he is doing...hope all is goes well!! Peighton was sad when he left the vet...she didn't understand why Pete had to stay :( Hate to see Pete gone...will be lonely without him tonight...but it will be a lazy day for me because I won't have a dog to walk a dozen times today!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

It's Just Another Manic Monday...

It always seems like its something...I am feeling very exasperated and its only 1215. Its been whirlwind of a day thus far. I had all good intentions of being productive and getting somethings organized/accomplished around the house BUT that all changed at about 900 when I was trying to do breakfast time with Peighton. Apparently, Pete (the dog) wanted to test my they aren't already tested enough with my 2 1/2 year he peed in the house right where i could see him...then after getting in trouble...he did it again in a new spot. I was FURIOUS!! Nevertheless, Pete was sent to his crate for punishment while I spent the next 20 minutes cleaning up his mess!! And here I thought, he was going to be a good addition to the family...maybe his "wild" ways will change after Wednesday when he gets fixed!! Let's hope so for Pete's sake...crazy woman I was thinking I could handle a dog along with our preschooler...all while Brandon is away :/

In the midst of all the chaos this morning, Peighton made quite a comment to Pete...she told him that we don't potty in the house, we go don't want to get in trouble. I tried to not laugh...she is too funny...her personality of being the first born is coming out in her as she gets older. And she thinks Pete's crate is a new found toy...she puts her stuff animals in there and tells them good night...oh the imagination of a child :)

Hopefully, our day will proceed with a lot less drama! Who knew one ten pound dog could cause such mischief!! Peighton is about to lay down for a nap and that will give me some peace and quiet for a solid hour or so...much needed after this morning :) After naptime, we will be off to the Commissary for our weekly shopping excursion...oh the joys of mommyhood!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Okay so here it goes...the first entry. There's so much pressure to write just the right thing! I thought this blog would be a good idea for myself to journalize all that is happening as well as keep our friends and family in the loop. It seems like our life gets hectic and we don't always have the time to share all that is happening with everyone. Sometimes there is not so much in our life and other times too much to remember it all before its already happened and over with.

We are settling in to our new adobe in Clarksville, TN. Our apartment is spacious enough and having a playground right across the street from us is ideal for Peighton. We've already broken the place in by getting a dog. He is a wonderful companion to our family even if he does require numerous daily walkings...he is still loved :) Brandon spent one week in processing at Fort Campbell and another week in processing with his unit 3rd Brigade Headquarters. Now he is off at Fort Polk, LA for JRTC which is a training center to prepare the unit for deployment. I think he is getting a good look ahead at what is in store for him in Afghanistan...long days and not so gourmet food! I am positive he is getting a good handle on things and will feel prepared on what all his job entails when he returns. Peighton and I are sure ready for him to be seems like just last month we was gone...oh wait he was...ahh the joys of the ARMY life!!

With the hubby/daddy away, Peighton and I are getting lots of bonding time...somedays I think we get too much :) I enjoy being able to stay home with her and see how much she learns in just a matter of days! I try to keep our days filled with something interesting...a trip to the library, art projects, lunch at Chick-fil-A, etc....whatever helps the days go by faster and keeps her entertained and happy. I hope I can get her involved in some activities here soon...she really loved the Little Gym when we were in Summerville and I would love to get her back into that. There's lots of activities on post but its based on first come, first serve...and Fort Campbell is a huge post. Hopefully before too long, we will have something in the works!! I also hope to get back into my once loved activities of PWOC and MOPS...time is awasting :)

Our week ahead is a full one so that will help another week go by!! Brandon is due home around the first week of October... and hopefully the cold weather will be here by then and we can enjoy all that Fall has to offer!! I can't wait to see what Peighton decides to be for Halloween :)