Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Weekend Recap

Another 4 day was on the agenda for this family this past weekend and we enjoyed every second of it!!! It was so nice to have a long weekend at home especially coming off of vacation time. Wednesday & Thursday seemed rough for me trying to get back in the groove of our normal schedule and wrangling all 3 kiddos on my own during the day. So I was more than happy to welcome the weekend!

Friday started off with me heading to the commissary. Our brand new commissary opened a few days ago and it was so nice to shop in such a nice, new, big store. I loved it! Its going to take a few more trips for me to get the new layout down. It was crowded but the size can now handle such crowds. I accomplished my mission and headed back home. We had chicken salad sandwiches for lunch then it was quiet time around here as the boys had their nap. That afternoon we took Henry to get his hair cut. Brandon takes him to a barber shop and Henry is a pro at it now. After that we headed over to Walmart to pick up a few things that I didn't purchase earlier as well as our new dvd for our family movie night. We selected Madagascar as none of us had seen it yet. The kids and Brandon fixed pizza biscuits for dinner and after we all got ready for bed we started the movie. It was real funny and cute! P couldn't stay up for the entire movie but Henry made it till the end.

Henry getting his haircut. Such a big boy!

Saturday morning we got up early and geared up for our neighborhood yard sale. Last time it was a success and we were hoping for the same this time around. We had some of the kids' old toys they no longer play with as well as some baby gear items and a few other miscellaneous things. It started off slow although there was plenty of foot traffic. Luckily by lunchtime, we had sold quite a bit and made a decent profit. By mid afternoon we had sold just about everything and made close to $200. Not to shabby if I do say so myself! Unfortunately, Henry woke up that morning not feeling too well at all. He had a fever on and off most of the day. I kept him pumped up with Motrin but he was still being lethargic as well as not eating much. After he took his nap, we ventured into town. We hit up Home Depot, Target and Lowe's before heading to Longhorn's Steakhouse for dinner. It was very good!
Scott sitting in a high chair at the restaurant (first time).
Sunday was Father's Day and we tried to celebrate as much as possible! Brandon cleaned up the cars that morning then grilled out chicken for lunch and I cooked baked macaroni & cheese and green beans to go with it. It was all yummy! Scott and Henry laid down for a nap while I worked on some laundry. After nap time, we headed to the mall to get Brandon's gift for Father's Day. He needed and wanted a new shop vac. We lucked out and they had the bigger size on sale. We then walked the rest of the mall before grabbing some dinner at Steak 'n Shake. We also stopped by Walmart before heading home and starting our nightly routine.
Hanging out in the stroller. 
At Sears.
Dinnertime for little scooter.

Yesterday Brandon and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. So blessed to be married to such an amazing man! A few days from now will mark 10 years since our first date. Can't believe we've already spent a decade together. I look forward to many more decades!!! :) And of course they way we celebrate our anniversary has changed over the course of years. We got ready yesterday morning, packed a picnic lunch and loaded up the car to head to the Tie Breaker Water Park in Hopkinsville, KY. Its only about a 30 minute trip and its well worth the drive. We love this place! On Mondays they have a 2 for 1 special so all five of us got into the park for only $14. It wasn't too bad crowd wise. The weather was perfect. It was hot but the water was refreshing and there was some cloud coverage and a nice breeze. The kids had lots of fun.. all 3 of them! Scott did so well today. He was a little fish. He did much better with the water. I think the warmer temp helped a lot. He would sit and kick his legs and splash his hands. We broke for lunch and to feed Scott. Then back at it for more fun! We stayed a couple of hours. It was a great family fun time!!! On the way home, we picked up some ice cream from Dairy Queen, yum :) We took it easy that afternoon and ventured out for some dinner at Pancho Ville. It was very good. We always like Mexican! This evening we gave the kiddos their baths and got them ready for bed. We then watched Americas Got Talent before the kids finally crashed around 8. It was a great day and a perfect ending to a fabulous 4 day!!!

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