Monday, June 25, 2012

Scott Update

Scott turned 6 months this past Friday and this morning he had his 6 month check up. He is growing and developing so well!!! We could not ask for more than a healthy, thriving little boy!!! I am thankful the CDC on Post has an Hourly care building that I can take P and Henry to for Scott's doctor's appointment. I never know how crazy that office is going to be and I like being able to focus on Scott and the appointment at hand. We lucked out today and didn't spend all morning up at the PEDS office :) Scott did so well! He is really a laid back, content little guy. He just goes with the flow and I am very grateful for that. Dr. Hines was pleased to see him and she says he is developing right on track! I always feel like our appointments are so short but the third time around I know what to expect, I know the milestones, and I just don't have many questions or concerns. She was a little concerned with his stuffiness and would not be surprised if he is developing allergies. We will revisit the notion of Zyrtec or Claritin to help curb his allergies at his next well check up. Since Henry is on allergy meds and has been since he turned 1 I would not be surprised if the same holds true for Scott. He did have to get two shots as well as drink the Rotateq which is for the rotavirus. He was such a trooper and only cried a little with his shots. Here are his stats...

Head Circumference: 44 centimeters and in the 55%
Length: 28 1/4 inches and in the 95%
Weight: 19 pounds and in the 75%

He is on the same growth curve since he was born. And looks like he is following in the footsteps of Henry and will be a tall. Scott matches Henry dead on for the same stats and the same age. Henry was 19 pounds and 28 inches as well :) I think that is so neat. I think Scott looks most like P but he is definitely built like Henry. I am fearing that Scott will need another summer wardrobe before the weather starts cooling off. Some of his nine month clothing is just not going to make it especially his one all outfits. He is in 9 month clothing including sleepers. And he is in size 3 diapers. So far Pampers are our favorite and have had no issues with leaking even for BMs. He is doing so well with spoon feeding. He now gets two meals a day, breakfast and dinner. I give him about 3 scoops of oatmeal with a fruit in the am and then 3 scoops with a veggie in the pm. We have tried all of the stage 1 foods and are moving up to stage 2. Since he is getting two meals a day, he gets only 4 bottles of 8 ounces of formula a day. He likes this schedule and does well with it most days. The times vary but his typical schedule is 8 o'clock wake up and bottle then 10 am breakfast then 12 pm bottle and a 4 pm bottle then dinner between 6-7 and last bottle for day between 8-830 and then bed. He is great at nighttime as well. Most nights he is out by 9 and not up until between 7-8 (thankfully most mornings it is closer to 8). 

Looking forward to seeing how much more he grows and thrives over the next 3 months! We are just so thrilled that he is in our lives!!! Little scooter just melts my heart :) Love LOVE him!!!! 

Being a ham while we waited at the PEDS office. 

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