Saturday, January 2, 2010

Holiday Recap

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's. I know we surely did... well for the most part :) This was a very exciting Christmas for Peighton... its the first year that she actually got it... she understood what Santa was all about and what was going to happen. So needless to say, presents were bought without her knowledge and not placed under the tree until Christmas Eve... ensuring the Santa fantasy. We had decided to stay at our house for Christmas morning this year since we never have before and also since Brandon wont be able to spend the holidays with us next year. So our plan was to have Christmas at our house then wake up early the next morning and head to Summerville for a couple of days. It was too funny that morning... it was almost like Peighton forgot all about it... she came down the stairs and straight to our room (like any other morning)... she asked for her shows and milk... then when we walked into the living room and she saw the tree with presents she remembered and was like oh, santa came! Then she was all excited :) She was even a very cautious unwrapper... making sure all the paper was off of her presents. It was hard to keep her focused... each present she wanted to play with right then... she didn't understand that she could unwrap them all and go back and play. Luckily, she only had the presents that we got her under the tree.. and it didn't take too long... about 20 minutes total I believe. Then of course, we had to open them all and take them out of their boxes to play with them!! Peighton must have been a very good girl this year (as usual) because Santa left her some very good presents :)

The rest of the day wasn't as peachy due to Brandon got sick early that morning and stayed sick the rest of the day :( So we didn't get the Christmas dinner... I wasn't going to cook up a big storm just for no one to eat it... thus, Peighton and I ate chicken nuggets and macaroni & cheese... at least we can say we had each other :) Other than that... it was a perfect day... we all went to bed early because there was a 4 am wake up call for us to get on the road! We ended up getting on the interstate about 530ish... and had an uneventful drive down with minimal traffic problems... which is always nice! We arrived about 5pm and Peighton got to do Christmas again with all of my family... Santa must have thought she was an exceptionally good girl because she got lots of goodies :) We had a wonderful time... eventhough it was a short visit... I think we got in all that we wanted to accomplish. We went to church Sunday morning... Brandon and I went out with Celeste, Dustin, Tim & Ashley on Sunday night. Monday was filled with some girl time... Peighton got her 3 year pictures taken... she did a good job even if she wouldn't crack a smile... the pictures still say Peighton!! We also managed some shopping that day :) Tuesday was our last day but not for Peighton. Brandon and I left Wednesday morning and Peighton stayed with Mimi and Papa until Friday when we picked her up in Atlanta. We had a good two days of just the two of us... and enjoyed New Year's Eve with dinner out!

We were truly blessed this year with all of the wonderful time spent with family & friends!! Brandon is off till Tuesday and we are looking forward to spending some last minute, quality time as a family :) I will be posting pictures very soon of the holiday adventures!!

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