Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Kid Kuddos

I feel like I haven't been blogging as much as I should or as much I'd like to. I also feel like I am failing in the department of picture taking. We have an awesome Nikon and it sits in the living room on top of our tv armoire and yet I never remember to take any. Thank goodness for my iPhone and Facebook. I can easily snap a great photo with my phone and load to Facebook so at least I'm sharing in that way. However, I do feel bad that little Scott has very few actual pictures that I have taken. Poor guy! He gets a lot of coverage with my iPhone but not so much with the regular camera. (#majormomfail) My goal is try and take more pictures of all 3 of them and hopefully get some actual professional pictures done of them as well. Its been since the end of 2010 since P and Henry had professional pictures done and of course Scott has not had any. I need to put that on my bucket list for this year! Nevertheless, I thought I would give some random updates on how the munchkins are doing and share some pics as well :)

  • This summer has been hot and what better way than to spend it at the pool. And thank goodness all 3 of them including Scooter are all little fishes when it comes to the water. P is getting so much better at swimming this year. She is learning to hold her nose and swim under water as well as float on her back. I am so thankful neither P nor H are scared of the water and Scott just sits and splashes and kicks his legs. He is a huge fan of the pool :)
  • P starts kindergarten in less than a month! Where has the time gone?!?! August 8 is her first day but we will just be having a short day where we just meet the teacher then receive a testing date for the following week then August 17 is her first full day. No turning back then, ha. She is so excited and ready. I know she is going to be just fine. Looking forward to buying her school supplies and some back to school clothes later this month!! YAY :)
  • Scott is growing so fast!!! He is developing and learning new things everyday. He is getting well at sitting on his own and loves to stand. He is just a content, happy, go lucky guy! And he has been sleeping upstairs in his crib every night for over a week now. I am so happy. Him and Henry share a room and its always been a concern how it would work. But they both do really well. Scott has been sleeping just fine with no problems. I typically lay Scott down after Henry has gone to bed and Henry doesn't even stir when I put Scott up there in the crib. Usually Scott is the first to wake up but doesn't wake up H allowing him to sleep until he wakes on his own. 
  • Henry is growing up to be such a big boy! He is finally talking more and can more words that we actually understand. Its such a relief. He is learning to recognize his letters too. Henry enjoys going to the Hourly program on post and will be attending more regularly once P starts school. He loves getting to play with other kids and learns so much from there. 
trying yogurt for the firs time, loved it!

happy little guy!

P and Henry checking out Fort Donelson. 

sitting all by himself :)

sleepy little boy... passed out in the bouncer. 

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