Saturday, October 22, 2011

Weekend Ramblings

Hope all is going well!!! We are enjoying a lazy weekend thus far but sure going to miss being at the Doggette Family Reunion tomorrow as well as being in SC in general for a visit. Just wasn't going to happen.. no extra days off and its too long of a drive for a quick turn around. Looking forward to visiting in December!! Here are a few random thoughts:

  • A helpful hint to all you Kindle users/owners: do not fall asleep in the bathtub with it in your hands, ha! Seriously :/ Yep that's what happened to me last night and luckily, it seems to be recovering fine.. so far it still works. I let it dry out all last night and charged it up this morning and so far so good! Hopefully, it will keep on working or I know what I will be asking for Christmas this year :)
  • Heartburn and Acid Reflux is back (with a vengeance)! Not sure if its stress, exhaustion or baby growing but lately it has been getting worse even with my prescription Zantac. I can only take one a day and I take it at night with my supper which helps tremendously at night time making sleep better. However, I feel like its wearing off my mid morning and I spend the rest of the day until I take it again chewing on several Tums to curb it. At least its a condition that goes away once baby gets here and my insides can relax back to normal position, ha!
  • I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow!! This trimester is flying by!! I have a feeling he will be an early baby, maybe even earlier than the 38 1/2 weeks his brother and sister came. I just find myself doing too much and over exerting myself... some days I can't help it and other days I know I should relax, do as little as possible and keep my feet up. Trying to find that balance is always tough especially with two other kids at home including a toddler. But I think I also do as much as possible now because I know once baby comes things will have to slow down. Our schedule will change and outings will be limited especially once Brandon goes back to work and its just me to handle all 3 munchkins when we are out and about.
  • I feel ready for baby #3 though... as much as a change it will be for our family. I think it will be a good change.. somethings will get harder to tackle (i.e. outings, running errands) but other things really wont be affected. Luckily, Peighton is almost 5 and a big help around the house when she wants to be. And the older Henry gets, the more independent he becomes. I know they will both be GREAT big sister and brother to Francis Scott :) I feel that most of tasks and shopping lists are checked off as well. I have a few things I need to pick up for my hospital bag for myself and a few more things I need to pick up for baby. There is a bassinet that still needs to be put together and put in our room as well as its linens washed up. There are lots of little clothes that need tags cut off of and washed. We have a car seat base we need to install into the van. But those are little things that will be easily accomplished over these next remaining weeks (fingers crossed). As long as baby does not decide to come before Thanksgiving weekend which also marks my 37th week.. after that he is more than welcome to make his arrival!
  • There is a lot coming up in the next few weeks! Stay tuned :)

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