Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Munchkin Randoms

The kids are growing up so fast. Some days I'd just like to freeze time and keep them little.. of course there are other days where we could fast forward whatever icky stage or mood they seem to be in that day, ha! I feel like they are learning, growing and changing so much, its hard to keep up with them and more importantly blog or write it down so one day I will remember. So that is what this is post is about.. just random facts about the kiddos and some ramblings about them as well :)

  • P is teaching herself to read. She can almost master all her Level 1 Easy to Read books. It started off as memorization but now she has her sight words down that she easily reads word for word what is on the page. There are a few words she still stumbles on and needs assistance on sounding them out. I am impressed and so proud!
  • For a kid who took a little while than usual to learn to walk, Henry is now everywhere without fear or hesitation. He has no qualms with walking down to the sidewalk several houses down and typically we have to stop him or he would keep on going. He loves to run and is learning to walk up the stairs. We have even removed the floor board from his Little Tikes Cozy Coupe Car and he is learning to use his feet to make it move and get to where he wants to go.
  • I love LOVE that P is such a reader. As an avid reader myself, my heart is warmed by the fact that she loves to read so much. She can often be found upstairs in her room just reading or playing library. Its neat to see how much of me she has in her :)
  • Henry is still sleeping in his crib but at only 20 months old, I'm okay with that. He is making great strides in the toddle bed department... He use to not even sit on it, and now, he will lay it and play on it.. he is just not quite there yet to actually go to sleep in it. He usually starts crying big crocodile tears and points to the crib. But I know he will get there soon enough and he will be all big boy then!
  • I am happy that P and Henry like to play together and mostly do it well. It helps out a lot during the day time especially if I have chores to accomplish. Its a relief to know I can send them both upstairs and they can keep each other content while I tackle my tasks. They are also both good at playing by themselves. P is especially good at it since she was the only child for over three years. Henry does well for the most part especially if I get toys out that he typically doesn't play with.. its like something new and he will be content for awhile. This fact reassures me for when baby #3 comes along and my time will be stretched even more so!
  • I love that kids love to be outside and play outside. And with the fall weather it has been so nice to be able to go out in the backyard and burn off some energy while playing for about an hour. We typically try to go in the afternoons before dinner time especially now that it is starting to get dark earlier in the evening. They will play on the swing set, ride around in the jeep, play with the balls, chase the dog around and swing. Then we still go for a walk around the neighborhood every night after dinner. And even though we take the wagon, both of them usually like to get out and walk about half way through it. I am not looking forward to the winter season where are days are numbered for such activities as these.

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