Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Upcoming Road Trip

As of today, we have exactly 2 weeks until the packers show up to start loading up the house! Needless to say the next 2 weeks are going to be crazy! The movers will be here that Wednesday & Thursday and our tenants (yes, PTL we have renters who signed a year long lease!!!) move in on that Friday and we head out on the road for our 8 day journey to our next destination. We never do anything simple and driving out to Arizona is no exception. We could do the typical thing and make it out there in a couple of days. But with 3 kids and a dog and two cars (meaning we both have to drive every day all day) it just does not seem reasonable or sane. So we purchased a pop up camper and are going to take our sweet time getting there. Our plan is to stop in every state along the way at a state park and camp out for the night. All the state parks we picked are on a lake so we have water access as well as a playground for the kiddos. I'm excited and think this will definitely be a new adventure! My goal is to keep my Facebook page updated on our journey as much as possible and will update my blog with lots of pictures and details once we get settled in our house at Fort Huachuca. Did I also mention we already have a house waiting on us for when we get there... so grateful that everything is falling into place!! So without further a due here is our itinerary :)

Our day 1 stop is outside of Memphis, TN at Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park which is located in Millington, TN.

Day 2 stop is at Lake Fort Smith State Park in Mountainburg, AR.

We will be stopping at Lake Thunderbird State Park in Oklahoma for day 3.

Day 4 finds us at Palo Duro Canyon State Park in Amarillo, TX.

For day 5 we will be at Bluewater State Park in Prewitt, NM.

And the best part of the trip we will be spending days 6-8 at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. So excited to spend 3 nights there which gives us 2 full days of sight seeing and exploring.

Days 9-10 we will spend the weekend at a hotel in Sierra Vista, AZ which is where the post is located.

And finally after 10+ night on the road or in a hotel, we sign for our house that Monday morning. And the plus is it has 4 bedrooms so everyone will have their own room to retreat too!

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