Monday, May 27, 2013

Life Lately...

Wow, it has been almost two months since my last post. I am not very good at this blogging thing right now. Life is happening and we are just taking it all in stride. The past weeks have been a whirl wind of activities and life is only going to get crazier as we start counting down to our next PCS at the end of July.

School is officially out for the summer!! P has been promoted to 1st grade!! She had a lot of fun activities at school leading up to their last day. They had an ice cream party, an awards ceremony, field day and a movie day. Lots of fun!!! And her summer is about to get even more fun as she will be going to stay with Mimi & Papa in SC for a few weeks :)

Henry is potty trained!!! Woohoo!!! Still can't believe it myself... its like one day it just clicked with him and we haven't looked back since. It's been over a week since he has been wearing only underwear and we have had no accidents not even at night. Makes this mama very happy!!!

I ran my first 5k!!! I've always been somewhat a fan of running but a few months ago I decided to make it a more permanent aspect of my routine. I put the boys in Hourly Care on Post once a week so I can log a long run and then I try to squeeze in one or two more runs during the week/weekend. I trained for about 5 weeks leading up to the race and ran my longest distance at 4.5 miles the week of the race. My unofficial time was 29:49 and I couldn't be more proud of myself. I met my goal of completing the race in under 30 minutes :)

Scott is going to be 18 months next month! To me that is just craziness! How is my baby almost a year and a half already?!?! He is a ham and a handful!!!! He goes everywhere and gets into everything and loves to antagonize his brother and sister! He definitely keeps all on our toes and keeps life interesting around here!

No news on the house... its still for sell.. and we have had only one showing. Boo! We are dropping the price this week in hopes of getting more foot traffic. We still have technically two more months until we leave to try and get it sold. As much as I want to stress about it, there is nothing I can do about it. This definitely a situation that is just out of our hands. If it doesn't sell before we leave, then we can stress and figure our next step. Until then, I just have to have faith that it will all work out.

Its the unofficial start of summer this weekend and we are looking forward to it!!! This next month is going to fly by with even more activities. I see plenty of pool, park and water park days in our future. We also have on tap a Battalion Hail & Farewell, a Brigade Ball, a camping trip with the boys, a visit from my aunt & uncle, a birthday and a wedding anniversary. Bring on the celebrations and memories!!!

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