Monday, April 23, 2012

Scott Update

Yesterday, Scott officially turned 4 months old! How can that be?!?! My little scooter is growing up way too fast. He is getting so big, alert and active. He just melts my heart. He is such the ham and loves to smile and coo. I swear his eyes just sparkle and crinkle when he smiles. LOVE him to pieces!! We had his 4 month check up today and I am pleased to say it went well. He is thriving like a champ. He now weighs 15 pounds and 15 ounces.. almost 16 pounds. It seems like a lot to me but it was only between the 50th and 75th% for weight. However he is in the 90% for his height which is a 26.5 inches long. And his head was average at 42 centimeters around. Scott is following in the footsteps of his big brother Henry in the size department. I looked back at Henry's stats at his 4 month check up and he was 16.4 pounds and 26 inches long. I think its funny how so close they are in size :)  Poor thing had to get two shots and had to drink the rotateq liquid for the rotavirus. He was quite the little trooper and not too much crying on his part. He will go back in June for his 6 month check up.

He is now up to 6 ounce bottles every 3 hours during the day and only waking up once at night to feed. Sometimes he can sleep till 5 am but most of the time it seems to fall between the 2-3 am hour. He has been a better sleeper at night now that he is on rice cereal. We started him on that last weekend and he is doing well so far. Its still a learning process. For a few days, it was a spitting out/pushing it back in process. He is starting to get the hang of the whole eating with a spoon notion. He started apples this past weekend and seems to do better better eating the cereal with a little sweetness mixed in it. I think next food will be sweet potatoes which we will start this weekend. He is still not much a daytime napper. He likes to cat nap more than anything else. Every once in awhile I can get him to take a solid afternoon nap just depends on his mood, our schedule and the noise level in the house (ha!). He is a great night sleeper though so I can't complain too much of his lack of sleeping during the day. He typically eats his cereal mixture around 630 and then gets his last bottle between 8-830 and then goes down for the night between 830-9. Then I don't hear a peep out of him until that 2-3 am hour where he will feed then go right back to sleep till about 7 and some mornings I can give him his paci and he will go back to sleep till 8.

Scott is becoming quite active and developing well. I think all that awake time is making him slightly advance. He now can roll not only from his stomach to his back but also from his back to his stomach. However, he has quite not made a full rotation on his own yet. He is starting to scoot on his knees some when he is on his tummy. He is a squirmer and is seldom in that same place he started out on the floor. He is learning to grasp objects with his hands and bring them to his mouth. His favorite activity right now is chewing on anything he can get in his mouth. There's a lot of drool and bubble blowing going on but no teeth yet. Henry got his first teeth during his 4th month so we will have to wait and see on how Scott compares.

We love our little scooter!! I am so thankful and blessed for another healthy baby!!!

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