Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Visit from Mimi & Papa

We were blessed to have my parents come up the weekend of Memorial Day and stay for the rest of the week!!! We had a blast :) They drove up on Sunday and were here by the afternoon. Peighton, Henry and Murray were SO excited to them!! My parents' friends from Ohio also came down for a visit and we all enjoyed a yummy dinner at Old Chicago. Then thanks to grandparents in town, Brandon and I went on a movie date to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean. It was a great movie and such a nice time with just the hubs and I. Monday we stayed around the house and grilled out for Memorial Day. We had lots of good food and fellowship!! My parents' friends headed back to Ohio that afternoon and Brandon & I got in another date.. we went and ate sushi at this great new place in town. Having grandparents in town is SO wonderful!! Tuesday my mom, Peighton and I did some running around town which included a lunch date at Chickfila while Papa, Henry and Murray hung out at home. Then for dinner Papa & P picked Red Lobster for dinner which was very good. If you didn't notice a pattern, we did a lot of good eating while they were in town, ha! Wednesday morning we got ready and drove into Hopkinsville, KY to the Tie Breaker Aquatics Center which is a basically a low key water park. We got there right as they opened at 11 and the kids had a blast. It was a lot of fun!! We grabbed some lunch from the concession stand and played another hour before Henry was reaching his limit and nap time and headed back to the house where we chilled until Brandon got home from work. Then we dinned at a local mexican restaurant for dinner and had some yummy ice cream from Cold Stone for dessert. Thursday was a mellow day and my parents treated us all to a fabulous dinner at Longhorn to celebrate my birthday. It was another fantastic meal :) It was such a treat having them in town and I know Henry and P enjoyed having their Mimi and Papa to pal around with... even Murray! Peighton got the best deal of all since she got to travel back with them to SC and will be staying with them until we go down there 4th of July weekend. I am so happy for her.. I know she emensly enjoys her time with them including the special one on one attention. She has lots of activities and events to keep her busy the next few weeks. All in all, we enjoyed Mimi and Papa's visit to TN and can't wait to see them all again soon!!! :)

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