Henry Clay Doggette turned 15 months this past Thursday and had his 15 month check up on Monday. I am happy to report he is growing and developing just fine. Some days I can't believe he is already 15 months old and other days I am amazed he is not older, ha! He is growing like a weed... he is now 33 inches tall and weighs 28.5 pounds.. and his head is 49 cm around. So yes needless to say he is a big boy! But he is still following his curve and is on track. He is just a bigger kid for his age :) He is in 24 month & 2T shirts and 18 month & 24 month bottoms as well as wears a 5.5 wide to 6 wide in shoes. The doctor was a little concerned with his lack of walking... he cruises well and he will walk if you hold his hands but he is not taking off on his own. I got him to walk a little for the peditrician and she was concerned that his left foot stays turned out which makes it harder for him to walk because his feet get too far apart from one another and he doesn't have the strenght or ability to align his feet back up which is why he can only take a few steps at a time on his own. She is recommending some physical therapy for him more so that I can learn a few exercises to work with him daily to strengthen his leg muscles. And she also recommends that he be in shoes as much as possible especially hard sole shoes. The doctor will be even more concerned and take a more active approach on the subject once he turns 18 months and we see that he is not improving. But she also said that his size might be a herendence because he is so big and tall and stalky that he has much more weight to manuever as opposed to another kid his size. I'm thinking positive and trying not to stress on this subject. He is healthy and happy and although he cannot truly walk yet, he is a climber and gets into everything just fine. He had to get three shots and was traumatized by that for a few minutes. He goes back in August for his 18 month check up. I am so thankful and blessed to have a thriving little boy :)