Saturday, August 21, 2010

Deployment Update

Kudos to the hubby who this past Thursday was promoted to 1LT!! I am so proud of him!! He works so hard and even though its somewhat of an automatic promotion, he still very much deserves it!! It was a bitter sweet time for our family.. we wish we could have all been together at his promotion ceremony especially since I missed his OCS graduation and would have loved to been able to "pin" his new rank on him :( But there is always next time and it will be big one (CPT)!! I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband who strives and excels in all that he does.. and the kids have a wonderful dad to be proud of!! That day General Petraeus and Katie Couric (CBS evening news) just happened to be there .. the General was visiting Salerno and Couric was following him for an interview for CBS's special on the War in Afghanistan. So it made his day even better by getting to meet and talk with both of them. So not only is he now a 1LT, he also met a few celebrities... so Brandon is officially a bonafide superstar, ha! And as for the deployment, we crossed off another month in this tour... we are certainly on the downhill but still too far from the finish line. I will start the real countdown and get more excited and less frazzled when the weeks left hit the single digits.. then I think I will finally feel like the finish line is just around the corner... Until then I keep trudging along.. all the while missing him and looking forward to the sweet day of homecoming!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Henry's 6 months old!

Well folks can you believe Henry just celebrated his half birthday last Thursday?!? He is now 6 months old and I can still remember the night he was born... I can't believe he is on his way to being a year old soon! I am not sure I am ready for my baby boy to grow up so fast :( He is such a sweet baby.. he is so mellow and relaxed.. he's perfect! He is changing, growing and learning new things daily. He is almost sitting up all by himself.. he still tends to learn forward but he is working on it and working on strengthening those stomach muscles. He loves spending time in his jumparoo.. such an awesome baby item... i crack up seeing him jump and giggle! He is still at a solid 6 ounces per feeding but with the introduction of solid foods he is eating every 3+ hours so only about 30 ounces a day which is what is recommended for his age group. He loves to eat and hasn't met a food he doesn't like... well except for grits, ha! He typically eats oatmeal and a fruit for breakfast in the morning then rice cereal with a vegetable and rice cereal with a fruit for dinner. He is babbling and making noises galore! I try to get him to say "mama" or "dada" but he just looks at me and smiles/laughs. But I have notice him making the "m" sound with his lips .. maybe its just wishful thinking :) He still loves to swing.. I even let him swing in the baby swings at the park the other day and he thought it was the best thing ever! I love how he is so interested in his surroundings and follows P, Pete and I and checks out what we are all doing. And Henry LOVES his sister... its very sweet.. he just lights up when he sees her and when she interacts with him. I think P is finally getting the "hang" of him and enjoys that he is more animated and active.. can't wait to see what the two of them will think of each other when he learns to crawl, ha!

Henry had his 6 month check up last week as well. He is growing strong and developing perfectly.. if there was any doubt :) He now weighs in at 19 pounds which is the 75% and is 28 inches long which was the 90% so he is proportionate and following the same growing curve since day one. He was not a happy camper though.. he was getting tired and he just wanted to go to sleep.. and he did NOT like being put down on the exam table... and the tears really started when the shots came... he was just pitiful! But as soon as I had him strapped in his car seat and paci in mouth, he was out and by the time he woke up he had forgotten all about it! He even managed to take the band aids off his shot boo boos .. i guess he was over that, ha! Well another doctor visit down and don't have to worry about another one till he is 9 months old in November. And if there was any doubt how big he has gotten.. he no longer fits into any 6 month clothing and is now in 12 month pajamas... and yes folks he just turned 6 months... he is all boy and I LOVE HIM :)